Friday, 31 January 2014

Kie's Predictions for the Crossfit Open 2014

After my predictions for the 2012 Crossfit Open two years ago, and my predictions for 2013, I'll have a shot at predicting what to expect this year. I am a crossfitter who is a fan of all the games dating all the way back, and know all the open and regional workouts. Again, this is just for fun:

Prediction Workout 14.1 -
7min AMRAP
Hand release push-ups
Double unders
Wall Ball
3 / 6 / 9 / 12 / 15 / 18 / 21

There's a ladder every year.
Like all years it's all inclusive, everyone get's some of their $20 worth.
Ladder format has never been applied to more than a couplet.

Prediction Workout 14.2 - 
10min AMRAP 
Grace + Isabel

Reason: Beginners will remain included but struggle with Grace, average guys will struggle with Isabel, and it's a met-con for the elite. Good way to separate things out on week 2. One barbell makes it logistically easy and everyone knows the benchmarks.

Prediction Workout 14.3 -   
10min AMRAP of:
60 Bar-facing burpees
30 Overhead squats 55kg
10 Muscle-ups

This is the comparison workout for 2014.
3 years of difference so HQ can brag about how everyone is getting stronger etc.
Overhead squats have had too much of a hiatus.
There has to be a workout in the format of 13.3 with a horrible buy-in, some skill, then fatigued muscle-ups.

Prediction Workout 14.4 - 
18min AMRAP
9 Toes-to-bar
12 Sumo DL Highpull 100lb
15 Backsquat 100lb

There's usually a long one.
A controversial movement for 2014 - "That barbell wasn't up to clavicle!"

Prediction Workout 14.5 - 
7 Thruster 100lb
7 Chest-to-bar
Score is number of reps up to their incomplete round.

Last workout is always 100lb thrusters and CTB in some combination.
Not sure if this is the right guess because some elite guys will go forever.

1. Overhead squats haven't been in since 2011. They weren't in 2013 either, that's too long.
2. 2012 and 2013 tested the heavy snatch, this year is likely to be the year of the heavy clean & jerk and snatch will only be used in a light power form if it's in.
3. Pistols and HSPU might come up, but they didn't last year after I worked on them so I'll leave them alone and have healthier knees for it.
4. There was so much controversy/hassle with box jumps last year I reckon they'll leave them alone this year.
5. I'll update this post after the open with the actual workouts and a review.

Update - Here are the actual WODs






What the 2014 CF open would look like if I planned it:
1 muscle-up
500 OHS at 90kg from the floor

10 minutes to find
1RM Hang snatch

30min AMRAP

10 minutes to find
1RM back of neck split jerk

One arm dumbbell snatch ladder


Ashley said...

on a totally unrelated note, i also live in shinuku and was wondering where you do your vege/supplement shopping?

kie said...

Hi Vanguard,

I buy supplements off iherb and buy veggies at the local grocery store because Ito-yokado costs double.

I get meat from hanamasa or Nissin.
