
Wednesday 15 June 2011

Eating Raw Beef

They were out of roast beef in the supermarket at lunchtime today and I really wanted some BEEF. Recently been reading a few blogs about these people who only eat raw food and swear by it. They individually all say that among a whole host of other reasons to eat all your food raw, one is that you have the physique of an Adonis without ever working out. I find that very hard to believe.

I was in a pinch and though "f*ck it, let's try eating some raw stuff". Japanese supermarkets package everything so nice and have lots of high grade beef already cut very thinly ready to sukiyaki. I wasn't about to chew into a raw steak like. So I got some good quality meat and a baked sweet potato in for lunch. The woman at the checkout gave me a funny look when I asked for chopsticks with my raw meat, but apart from that it was a tasty experience. The meat was a bit marbley so the cold fat was a bit weird, with a bit of salt though I liked it. There was one moment where I remembered the woman in the film "Food Inc." who's son had died from E-Coli from eating a beefburger and she had since spent the rest of her life fighting for higher standards of meat in the U.S. Japanese meat is a higher standard than the U.S. though, and apart from those people dying last month from eating harami served up wrongly as yukke in a korean restaurant in Toyama last month, nobody in Japan dies from eating raw stuff.

It's 3 hours since I had lunch and I feel fine so I think when the deli counter is out of roast beef again I'll be switching to raw.


  1. If it wa sok why not try it for a few weeks without exercising? See if you physique remanins or imrpoves?

    I don't know if I could ever get used to eating raw beef. Tried steak tartare once in France. It was just about ok, wouldn't have it again.

  2. fyi steak tartare and other raw meants are "cooked" using lemon juice or other acid. the acids harden the protein and "cooks" the meat ... not sure if that makes it "more safe" or not though...

  3. Harami, not Harumi...
