
Friday 4 March 2011


Now that the tokyo marathon is over its time to set some new targets.
I'll be going to the gym on Monday to find out the following: (raw 1RM)

back squat
push press

(in that order)

here are the goals for 2011:
back squat 2 x body weight
push press 1.25 x body weight
deadlift 2.5 x body weight
dead-hang chin-up 1.5 x body weight
bench press 1.5 x body weight

here are the previous bests from the 12th of Jan 2011:
back squat 75kg (50% of 150kg target)
push press 45kg (50% of 93.75kg target)
deadlift 100kg (50% of 187.5kg target)
dead-hang chin-up 90kg (80% of 112.5kg target)
bench press - N/A (target is 112.5kg)

here are the bests from the 7th of March 2011

back squat 80kg (53% of 150kg target)
push press 50kg (53% of 93.75kg target)
deadlift 110kg (59% of 187.5kg target)
dead-hang chin-up 90kg (80% of 112.5kg target)
bench press - 60kg (53% of 112.5kg target)

here are the bests from the 2nd of July 2011

back squat 90kg (60% of 150kg target)
push press 52kg (55% of 93.75kg target)
deadlift 120kg (64% of 187.5kg target)
dead-hang chin-up 100kg (89% of 112.5kg target)
bench press - 65kg (58% of 112.5kg target)

here are the bests from the 17th of November 2011

back squat 105kg (70% of 150kg target)
push press 55kg (59% of 93.75kg target)
deadlift 130kg (69% of 187.5kg target)
dead-hang chin-up 100kg (89% of 112.5kg target)
bench press - 70kg (62% of 112.5kg target)

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