
Friday 13 July 2018

Pie Eating Competition Chicken Squabble Learning to Swim - August 2017

Summer fairs are great in America, they have a real countryside feel. Loved watching the pie eating competition. Our Ayam Cemani Chicken Faustino Asprilla has stopped laying eggs and is jelous of other egg layers so pecks them out of the nesting boxes. That is one nasty hen! Evan making some progress (and some tears) with his swimming lessons.

Pie Eating Competition Chicken Squabble Learning to Swim - August 2017

Summer fairs are great in America, they have a real countryside feel. Loved watching the pie eating competition. Our Ayam Cemani Chicken Faustino Asprilla has stopped laying eggs and is jelous of other egg layers so pecks them out of the nesting boxes. That is one nasty hen! Evan making some progress (and some tears) with his swimming lessons.

Monday 9 July 2018

10. Baby Chloe is Born - August 2017

On August the 31st, 2017 we welcomed baby Chloe Hina Drea at Paoli Hospital, Pennsylvania U.S.A. Our family is complete! With Irish, British, Japanese, and now an American!

Wednesday 4 July 2018

7. Baby Getting Closer - July 2017

Saki looking big on her birthday with baby Chloe on the way soon. Naho, Shun, and Takeru came to visit so we went to NYC, and to the shore.

6. Kaiten Sushi - July 2018

Kaiten sushi dinner out with the grandparents

Tuesday 3 July 2018

5. Friday Night is Karate - June 2018

While we're in Japan Alex has been doing Karate once a week on Fridays. It's very different to the babysitting style karate in America. The kids learn lessons and how to do kata.

Sunday 1 July 2018

5. Friday Night is Karate - June 2018

While we're in Japan Alex has been doing Karate once a week on Fridays. It's very different to the babysitting style karate in America. The kids learn lessons and how to do kata.

1. Terminally Sick Restaurant - June 2018

We went out to a local restaurant that is closing down at the end of the month because the owner is terminally ill. Everyone in Fukushima is going there for one last time.

4. At the peaches - June 2018

The sakurambo cherries are all harvested and sold. Now it's on to the peaches. Before the cherries we went round all the trees and reduced the number of peaches on each branch, and removed any odd shaped ones. Now that the peaches are bigger, we have to put them all in bags to protect them from the rain, and to stop the peaches going red.