
bored in club

went out to get some pizza

Saturday 28 April 2007

Thursday 26 April 2007

Shinsa Away!

After asking Masa to be my guarantor, and him kindly agreeing, the estate agency phoned him up and took all of his details. The pay slips that I spent 9 hours going to get in Utsunomiya yesterday were acceptable by the estate agent too. That with one business card was enough to start the financial check process. Takebe-san of my previous company was very understanding too. He says he'll vouch for me being an INCAT employee so that my story checks out. The financial check takes 2 or 3 days. Everything shuts down in Japan from the 2nd though for a week. I hope we can get a decision by then. Well, all I have to do is wait now, and go and meet Ed, Aki and Martine for a curry in Shinjuku:

Wednesday 25 April 2007

found the missing pay slips!

container repacked, and im on my way back to tokyo.

house hunting

jobless since last thursday, homeless since sunday, been looking at some properties in the nakameguro area of tokyo. if all goes well ill move into this one in 10 days or so. then ill have a base to job hunt from.

Thursday 19 April 2007

Sunday 15 April 2007

Saturday 14 April 2007

Thursday 12 April 2007

oil & filter change

mizuho interview changed to thurs april 19th. had a good chat with a recruitment agent, some valid points for change on my c.v. utsunomiya house rent expiry confirmed for the 20th. still no offer of a new placement from incat.

motorcycle crash

just out of shot there.

Tuesday 10 April 2007

cirque du soleil

kids jumping through rings, loads of one armed handstands on top of people's heads, trampolining, trapeze, big skipping rope action. mint.

kua'aina again!?

cant get enough of this burger chain....


coupla beers with ben.

Monday 9 April 2007


My colleague at INCAT Japan, Masanori Goto, a slave to the Japanese way of Living. Works from 8am to midnight, weekends are taken up sleeping in his car so he can be first on his favourite slot machines which he will play on all day. What a top bloke though.

Saturday 7 April 2007

Friday 6 April 2007

dragged out for another pissup

i meant to stay in tonight and study for my interview on monday なのに!

fr'kn sleeper!

on the sleeper. totally bored. when will this end?

Thursday 5 April 2007

Wednesday 4 April 2007

birthday presents

easter is not easter without an easter egg! thanks!

its my birthday!

I went out with Ma, Emi and Tomoko to the Lions Heed in Utsunomiya


this is a test

Monday 2 April 2007